Love is not Conceited

Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 13:4 1912 Weymouth New Testament (WNT)

Love is patient and kind. Love knows neither envy nor jealousy. Love is not forward and self-assertive, nor boastful and conceited.

In a previous teaching we (ihlcc) taught that God is not “boastful” as mentioned in the verse above. We noted that those who boast have a high opinion of themselves. While boasting is something you hear from people today we will look at what causes boasting. Specifically speaking the KJV version uses the words “puffed up” in the sense of having a swollen head. Not physically of course but rather inwardly. Sometimes we will even hear the term, “They have the big head”. Being puff up by their own ego to think more highly of themselves than they should. Another term used to describe this type of person is “inflated” meaning that people who are in this state are “inflated with pride”. The common word used can also be “proud” or “arrogant”. All those terms describe inwardly what God is not. Thus, the person or spirit that behaves in that manner is ungodly. Since the Holy Bible states that “Love is not Conceited” we can conclude that Love doesn’t have an overly favorable opinion of Himself and His ability. Now we can quickly see where this is going because we should always give all glory, honor and praise unto God for all His goodness and not focus on our own abilities and importance. Yes, there are people out there in leadership positions who think the business/company will shut down if I am not present to run it. Yes, there are even ministers who think that without me God will have a hard time preforming His Will. It is amazing to us (ihlcc) that people can start off so humble and meek but then once everything is running smoothly they tend to think it was all their hard work instead of God’s Grace. Some people will give our Big God just a little credit while they take the praises of men to justify their “conceit”. Another problem we notice with “conceit” is that it becomes hard to reason with those types of personalities. They think that they are right no matter what happens. You can barely get a word in edgewise when they are speaking. We must be humble and listen to others because it is always possible (and very likely) for someone else to know something you don’t know. Yes, we could even go so far to say that, “No man knows everything and it is no way possible that you could know everything about every person you encounter”. For mere man is not God and the only God that became a man was Jesus so stay humble by knowing your place in His vast universe. Yes, even when we think about some good things that are going on in our life we should give God praise and honor and thanksgiving simply because the Holy Scripture states in James 1:17 (KJV) that, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (no degree of darkness as He turns around because light is not shining unto Him but rather from Him, He Is The Light). God gives us all good things not just us as Christians but all people both saints and sinners included. God is good and He makes the sun to rise (shine) on the unthankful (evil) and the thankful (good) according to Matthew 5:45. Therefore no man should inwardly think that they are great or even better than others in the sight (eyes) of God. “Conceited” people think that they are special to the point of being better than certain others. Oh yes, if you make as much money as they do or more money you might be equal with them but they are still better than most, so they think. This type of erroneous thinking comes straight from the pit of Hell. Remember it was the pride of Satan that wanted to exalt his throne to the height of God above the stars (angels) in Heaven.-Refer to Isaiah 14:12-14 As Christians we are supposed to be content in Christ Jesus knowing that Jesus has already given us a seat at the throne room of God. Yes, the Lord Jesus came down to earth to exalt us up to Heaven. If you know this and truly understand who you are in Christ Jesus who could ask for more, only those who are “conceited”, “arrogant” and “inflated with pride” would not be satisfied with their place in God. We (ihlcc) understand when the ungodly are given over to “conceit” because they don’t know better. However, when a child of God falls victim to such deceit to be “conceited” it is troubling. Not that we should ever be shocked but the word disappointment comes to mind because all true disciples of the Lord should know that without God we are nothing. Believers should not listen to the flattering lies of the evil one but because people like to hear good things about themselves some do fall prey to his trap. Yes, we did say trap because those who are snared by Satan in the sense of “pride” are often so full of his lies it is hard to get them see clearly again. Once you start believing lies of the enemy the revelation of the (God's) truth is hard to digest. It would seem that since lies are sweeter for the ears to hear the cold hard facts of the truth don’t really interest those who think highly of themselves. Therefore, just stay humble before God and your fellowman by think lowly of your own abilities apart from Christ. You are only as bright as the Light of God shining in you, so please don’t be deceived into thinking you are the source of all your light (good fortune). Yes, God did say you are the light of the world but fully understand that our little light is fully powered by God’s Great Light of Love and Grace. We must not ever be “conceited (arrogant and prideful)” because according to Proverbs 16:18 (KJV) Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. So be wise dear child of God grow in love and seek humility in Christ Jesus because then thou shall be exalted into Heaven in due season, where there is no place found for “conceit”. Amen!